Monday 29 October 2012

Luna Love

 Dress:,  Belt: Vintage, Gloves: Primark, Hair Corsage : Claire's Accessories
 Shoes: Primark,

 Fierceness: Luna's

It's A Mad World

Since its arrival on our screens Mad Men has played an instrumental role in the resurgence of interest around 1960's fashion. Although this golden era of design, never went out of style at Luna-Lark mansions ( ever). The star of the show in our eyes, is the foxy Joan Harris played by the wonderful Christina Hendricks. Oh how we love this flame haired doll. Now Christina is famous for her curves, and the one thing about this style is that it flatters the more curvaceous lady.  Yes I'm gonna say it. If your 'FAT' and yes I used the F word, this is a style for you, as its gonna make your curves say 'Hello Boys and Girls' Love and Light from Lark  x
 Dress: Marks and Spencers (last year), Gloves: Primark, Faux fur Coat: Vintage, Bag: Vintage.

 Shoes: Primark, Tights: Evans , Nail Polish Boots No7 Siren x

Dress: Marks and Spencers (Last year); Lipstick : MAC Viva Glam Cyndi

Boy Crush -Tyler James

There has been a buzz around the name Tyler James for a while amongst those in the know in the British music industry.

 His 2005 album The Unlikely Lad did not perhaps make the impact he had hoped. However since his appearance on The
Voice UK under the guidance of the phenomena that is Tyler has shown that he is a force to be reckoned
with. At Luna-Lark mansions, we think the package of silky smooth vocals and quirky fashion sense, set him apart .

The boy can style it ! Lark is happy to consider herself a fully signed up member of #teamtyler.

Tyler has been through more than most of a similar age, with the loss of a close friend, and personal battles of his own.

However I think its fair to say, that our Boy Crush has started an amazing new chapter in his life. Tyler's new Album 'A Place I Go' is out now.

Photo credit to

Saturday 27 October 2012

Larkascentual -Shalimar eau Initiale eau de toilette

Shalimar eau Initiale eau de toilette by Guerlain

There seems to be a real lack of imagination in the UK when it comes to choosing a signature scent. In fact it seems we much prefer to jump from scent to scent to scent.  I'm guilty of this too, and own a staggering amount of barely used bottles of perfume ranging from delicate roses to dark moody scents.

The scent I would like to introduce you to today is of the latter variety. I discovered Shalimar eau Initiale eau de toilette by Guerlain quite by chance, whilst on a shopping trip with my mom and sister. I'm one of those people that gets fragrance headaches from some scents, so I have to choose carefully. Now I'm not going to lie, I'm a sucker for a bit of kitsch 80's throwback nostalgia. One spray of this sensual, exotic, yet somehow light concoction, and I was enveloped in a cloud of heavenly lushness. Now if you are like Luna and like gentle florals , step away from the Shalimar. This is a slightly different version of the 80;s classic ( ask your mom or grandma ), and it is not for the faint hearted. I urge you to step out of your fragrance comfort zone and try something new, a little unusual , dare i say it a little more adventurous and grown up. So for now this has become my signature scent. We cant all go around smelling of Marc Jacobs Daisy for much longer can we. Love from Lark xox

Picture courtesy of

Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Luna-Lark Jukebox

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros are an American band fronted by the enigmatic Alex Ebert. Maybe its because he resembles a  hipster holy man in his long white tunic, maybe its the beard, maybe its the voice. We are not sure, all we know is that this is a rare moment of agreement for the Luna-Lark girls, and  it was love at first listen.We urge you to check them out ! Start with  the single Home, released in 2009 x

Monday 22 October 2012

Hi Luna-Larkers

Luna: What have I let myself in for. Lark and I have completely different tastes and argue about absolutely everything! I would describe Lark as a Plus size Barbie sponsored by Disney and Hello Kitty.#

Shopping with her can be nightmare.On the plus side, if lost Lark can generally be found near something pink and bedazzled, therefore there's no need to send out a search party.  But it has to be said that when she gets it right - boy! does she get-it-right in her own Larky way.

Lark: Hi Guys, allow me to introduce my sister Luna. Luna would probably describe herself as a Beatnik Wednesday Addams.

 However to me - Luna is a real style chameleon, part modern day goth, sometimes high fashion, sometimes sixties babe. As much as she will deny it, for the most part she is just an undercover hipster. In short, she simply loves fashion.

Luna and I have been bickering since birth, and we have major arguments over stupid stuff, that can only be solved by google. Im usually right, by the way !

Why not follow us on twitter , we are @lunalark7

Let the tantrums begin.....

Ok after only two and half hours we have a had our first argument about the logo. Though we both agreed on a birdcage-esque motif, once again our clash of taste rears it's ugly head. What started off as light banter - one calling the other tacky, the other a tim burton wannabe, ended up with both of us having dinner in silence. So to end arguements we're leaving it to the public. What's your choice?

Exhibit A: Lark's Choice
Exhibit B : Luna's Choice